
Corel Quattro Pro 1 (.wb1)

The WB1 file extension is used by Quattro Pro, a spreadsheet program developed by Borland and later sold by Corel as part of its WordPerfect Office suite. These files contain spreadsheets created in Corel Quattro Pro.

WB1 files can be converted to Microsoft Excel format, but some objects such as drawings, OLE objects, and charts may not convert properly. The WB1 extension is used by versions 1.0 through 5.0 of Quattro Pro Win.

WB1 Specifications

Name Corel Quattro Pro 1
File Extension(s) .wb1
Category Spreadsheets
Use For N/A
Developer Corel
MIME Type(s) application/x-qpro
License N/A
File Sample(s) N/A
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