
Unix Section 1 Manual Page: General Commands (.1)

In Unix-like operating systems, manual pages or man pages serve as comprehensive guides for system utilities. These documents are essential for understanding the syntax, options, and usage of system commands.

Section 1 of the man pages, titled User Commands, focuses on commands and utilities at the user level. This includes all commands and programs that a user can execute from a shell within a terminal. The section provides documentation for a variety of commands used in file management, text processing, and system navigation, such as ls, grep, awk, sed, and more. Each command's man page offers an in-depth explanation of its function, available options, arguments, and practical usage examples.

Here are some examples of commands covered in this section:

  • ls: Lists directory contents.
  • grep: Searches for patterns within files.
  • echo: Displays a line of text.
  • cp: Copies files and directories.
  • mv: Moves or renames files and directories.

1 Specifications

Name Unix Section 1 Manual Page: General Commands
File Extension(s) .1
Category Documents
Use For General Commands; which covers user-executable commands.
Developer Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson under the guidance of their manager Doug McIlroy at AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1971 as part of the Unix Programmer's Manual.
MIME Type(s) application/x-troff-man
License freely; but check their source for the specific license.
File Sample(s) N/A
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